

Monday, April 16, 2012


     We need to bring awareness to the very real influence of the company we keep. If we surround ourselves with slippery people whose integrity is questionable, then it should come as no surprise to us if our own moral judgment becomes looser the more time we spend with them. Just so, if we associate with healthy individuals, we can expect to think and behave in healthy ways.
     People's energy is catching, whichever way it blows, and their attitudes are catching as well. Feelings ooze through telephone lines and over table-tops during conversation, and move between people across space. If we are not vigilant and protective of our peace, it can become easily sullied by negativity, tension, poor judgment, anger, name calling, and finger-pointing. And we can be pushers of all of these things to others as well.
     We have to guard our gates. We have to monitor what we send out and what we allow in. We can become seedy by association. Or we can become eloquent by association, or we can refuse to piggyback on anyone else's stuff and be our own bubbling fountain of good feelings and honest intentions. We can be pure of heart, and free from the influence of external storms.

I am aware of the energy that I can pick up from others and refuse to take it on. I let their energy be theirs and keep mine as clean as I can.