

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius."
~ Geroges-Louis Leclerc ~

It's insanity to dislike the way things are but be unwilling to change. This is self-imposed stalemate. It's up to us to find our peace, whatever that means. We have the power to change our attitude, our actions, and our limiting beliefs.
     The answer to anything that plagues us is simple, but not easy. We have to want something better for ourselves, be willing to overcome obstacles on the way to our goal, and persevere no matter what. It's possible and works every time. All it requires is a bit of inner discipline and whole lot of heart.

I deserve goodness and life-satisfaction and I am willing to change whatever needs to be changed in myself in order to feel great!