

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


"Everything comes to pass, nothing comes to stay."
~ Matthew Flickstein~
There is a certain arrogance in thinking that we have a handle on life- that we have it figured out somehow, and that we're "good." Our learning isn't absolute. We don't understand it once and then get it for all time, whatever "it" may be. The evolutionary journey is one of continuous refinement and new information and the coordinating adjustment in our thinking and behavior. I look back a few months and think how far I've come. It never stops.
     So let's not become too comfortable with where we are and feel like we've "arrived" somehow. There is no point-of-arrival. Ours is a never ending journey forth.
I am a work-in-progress and will be for the foreseeable future. I keep on growing until the day I die and maybe even then.