

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


     I have times when I make my situation out to be more pathetic than it really is in order to solicit sympathy or pity, or to manipulate some kind of guilt payment in cash or services or whatever it might be. And I never feel good about myself when I do this so I need to stop.
     I may be pathetic in some ways, but I don't need to advertise that. I can honor what's best in me and in my life and live full of gratitude for what I have. I need not whine and supplicate myself in order to get what I want.
     There are different ways to ask for help. Let's choose the one that does not belittle us. Let's ask straight-up. Let's ask free from excuses and stories and over-explanations.

I ask for help from a position of strength instead of weakness. I don't have to paint a miserable picture of myself and make a case for pity.