

Sunday, January 11, 2015


"Have patience, my friend, have patience,
For Rome wasn't built in a day!
You wear yourself out for nothing
In many and many a way!"
~Gertrude Tooley Buckingham
I think the roots of patience are love and trust. And that impatience is rooted in fear: a negative certainty that things won't work out, and that hardship of any kind will remain as hardship forever.
     And yet, we know from experience that things generally have a way of coming together, and generally far better than we ever could have anticipated or planned. And when we force the river, so to speak, chaos often ensues. 
     So accepting things as they are and allowing for the natural process of whatever is coming to come is a practice that bears ripe fruit. 

I needn't insist upon specific timelines and force things into being before they have had a chance to mature.