

Saturday, May 12, 2012


     The shifting tides of internal energy fascinate me. In the course of a single day, I feel stagnant, amplified, sleepy, invigorated, hot, cold, fearful, hopeful, alert, relaxed- you name it. I feel the whole realm of tides. I feel low tide, high tide, moon tide, and brackish. I feel whitecaps and windlessness.
     It is the natural inclination of movement in the universe to fill what's empty and empty what's full. When I am drained, something comes along and trickles inspiration in me. I feel the energy shift, and my sense of vitality is restored. I ride on it like a kite in the breeze. And then, at some point or other- it always happens- I crash to the ground in a tangle of string.
     I am revived by sleep, by being with people I like, by involving my intellect in a project, by creativity of any kind, and by walks in nature; picking roadside flowers to make arrangements for the house. I am revived by hugs and good conversation and a satisfying meal. I am revived by sitting still for just a few minutes.
     What's reassuring, and what pleases me, is that I am never stuck in one energetic place. None of us are, though it may feel that way at times. If we are willing to suit up and show up, life gives us the whole range of energies, and each one is a gift. Sometimes we are up, sometimes down, sometimes shaken, and sometimes rattled by joy. But what is always for sure is that we cycle through the hours moving from one energy to the next. It's quite a journey, this life, and worth every moment.

I appreciate the constantly moving tides of energy within me.