

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


     There is a difference between the relaxation we feel lounging around all day, and the relaxation we feel after being productive and hours of hard work. Though both have their place, most of the time, I prefer the latter. It is satisfying to the core, and guilt-free. Hard work is its own reward. So the saying goes, and I believe it to be true. Feeling useful, experiencing ourselves making a difference- in the garden, with people, progressing along a path of achievement, making strides, making a visible impact, or making an invisible impact that is felt in the blood- these things enrich us. Hard work builds confidence and builds character. It exhausts us in the purest of ways. People who prefer sloth are missing out.
     There's nothing like the end-of-day feeling after giving our all to life, and it cannot be replicated. Only our labor will bring the result. It is sweetly drained and ready for the renewal of a good meal and a night of sleep. It is purpose fulfilled, and energy efficiently burned. It's worth every ounce of the effort, and then some.

When I give the day everything I have to give, I feel profound satisfaction and fulfillment when the sun goes down.