

Thursday, May 17, 2012


     I believe that there are two emotional baskets in life, or "root cause" piles. They are love and fear. The fear basket holds anger, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, procrastination, frustration and the like. And in the love basket are gratitude, joy, serenity, acceptance, patience, optimism, courage, etc.
     Considering sadness in this light, I find a bit of a challenge. On first contact, it seems as if sadness easily belongs on the fear side of things, but on closer examination, genuine sadness is actually brimming with love. It is backed by compassion, not fear. There is tenderness and aching for what is, and the way people suffer, and the way we suffer.
     Sadness is free from self-pity and judgment and a desire to control- it is just sad- a heart wide open and a soul-full of tears. Love can be so big sometimes that it wants to burst us, and for me, sadness falls into that category of love. So when we are sad, let's feel for the softness behind our sorrow, and experience the great love that is actually bubbling up from deep inside of us, even as our hearts hurt, sobs rattle our ribs, and the tears roll streaming down our face.

I have a capacity for great love and great sadness, and they both come from the same place inside of me.