

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


     The way we walk says more about us than we realize. It gives away our secrets. It shows the people who are watching us whether we have insecurities or anger issues, if we have been beaten down by life; if we like who we are and feel good, or if we are not at all sure about anything.
     Let's carry ourselves with the grace and nobility that we deserve. Let's stop shuffling around as if we are persecuted and don't think much of ourselves. Even if we have been persecuted; even if we have permanent limps, or humps in our backs, let's rise above it in our carriage and our stride. Walking as if we are confident will make us feel confident.
     We can stroll our way through life. We can float! We needn't gimp and hitch and get there however we get there. The way we move affects our state of being, so let's slow down and walk consciously, with good posture and good rhythm, and flow and nobility and grace- even if it doesn't come easily. Because we are noble, and walking is one of the important ways that we honor our beautiful selves.

I pay attention to the way I walk and stop shuffling and hitching. I slow down and stroll, with my chest up, my head lifted, and a heart full of grace.