

Thursday, June 14, 2012


     Nobody likes to be told what to do. Someone else dictating to us what's best, or what we need, or what we should do, is distasteful. The rebel in most of us rises up to rail against the suggested imposition.
     We want it to be our idea. We want the credit and the sense of satisfaction that comes from the autonomy of choosing. And we would usually rather choose the wrong thing on our own steam than choose the right thing by force. Sometimes, in fact, we make a decision to choose the wrong thing intentionally simply to prove that it's our right to do so.
     When dealing with people, let's eliminate the words, "You should..." and replace them with "You could..." Let's not impose our will and our strong opinions all over the people in our lives. Let's honor their autonomy by presenting the facts and sharing our thoughts and suggestions, but leaving the decision making completely in their hands.
     To feel fully alive, we all need to make our own choices. If we let others choose for us, we give away our power. If we think others know better than we do what is the right thing, we deplete our inner resources and dishonor our guides.  I believe we are drawn to our lessons, and that sometimes, we actually need to make the choice that appears wrong to others so that we can have the opportunity to learn the exact lesson that is right... for us.

I gather opinions, but I decide for myself, and encourage others to do the same.