

Monday, June 17, 2013


     I have been living under pressure for years and I am tired of it. I'm tired of rushing and pushing and worrying and being afraid; tired of guilt and uncertainty and tension. Life hasn't changed. Life is life. It's my response to it that's been misguided and off-track. It's always been about doing more and being more and taking on more and giving more. And if it hasn't been more of one thing it's been more of another. And all of that eventually just becomes too much.
     So I want to simplify things if that's possible, and I think it is. I think simplicity is really the state of my mind rather than the state of my stuff or my busy-ness. It's about being ok with what is, one day at a time, and being ok with myself. And from there, everything else falls into place.
     My life is enough today. Everything properly fills its place, and will again tomorrow, and again the day after that. The pieces and players and scenes will shift, and sometimes be fuller and sometimes emptier, sometimes disappointing and sometimes unexpectedly delightful, but they will ever and always be just what they are supposed to be and ever and always be just right in the end.

I am tired of wanting more. I am grateful for exactly what is.