

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


"Falling leaves
hide the path
so quietly." 
~ John Bailey ~

There's something gracious about the fall. The trees are regal in their splendor and dignity, and they drop their leaves like a bejeweled skirt. Fall color softens the hard edges of the world. The process is slower than we think, and more subtle. Everything changes in phases and waves like a firework display. One tree fades out and another lights up.
     But unlike fireworks, there is no grand finale. There is a slow, and almost sensuous diminishing of color. And when it seems to be ending, a lone lingering tree bursts forth bright yellow amidst the empty branches of neighboring others, and bushes burn red, and grasses dry in shades of beige.
     And in the midst of this glorious scene, holly berries and pine cones come to the fore with their unique appeal in anticipation of the winter season to come. It's a continuous process of transformational beauty.

Fall leaves are a magnificent and sensually satisfying spiritual delight.