

Saturday, August 13, 2011


     It's a frequent happening in my life these days that I set out upon a task expecting it to take a certain amount of time, and it ends up being more complicated than I had anticipated. Like the handkerchiefs that come out of a clown's pocket, the seemingly simple job has layers of requirements and one part of it cannot be done until something else has been done first, such that lots of unexpected work gets accomplished, but the task itself can't wrap up the way I like it to, in short, orderly fashion. So something I think I can churn out in an hour ends up stretching across two or even three afternoons.
     Life is like that all over the place I guess, one thing being connected to another. It's tougher than it seems to separate one thing out and have it exist in isolation. All is process and slow development, and very few things can every really be checked off a list. One phase of something becomes complete, only for the next phase. Even with something as simple as groceries. It's a rare happening that I don't finish putting away everything I have just bought only to discover that I need additional things already... I should have picked up more butter too, or paper towels, or how did we get so low on milk? Or I thought we had more laundry detergent than that. I make lists. I am almost universally sure that I have marked down everything we need, and inevitably, there remains the thing that I have somehow missed.
     Rather than be frustrated with the unending life stuff that needs to be done, I can be amused by it. I can accept that "loose ends left hanging" are appropriate and normal. And I can accept as well that little bits of progress and accomplishment do add up over time to create vast change. I'm in the middle of it all, and from there, I have limited perspective. I can't see the next step of a process until I have taken the first step. I accept that though I might want a task to take one step only, or perhaps two, it may require ten or five or twenty. I can roll with it. I can smile and enjoy the crazy nature of the unseen processes of life, and trust that it's all unfolding just as it should, and that there is enjoyment to be found in each phase.

With good nature and a positive attitude I accept the way things unfold, not in one big sweep of clarity and accomplishment as I might prefer, but bit by bit and step by step, and right on time, and just as it's all supposed to be.