It's easy to be hard on things, to break them and make a mess, to be careless and hap-hazard with the way we use them; to leave them lying around or not properly cleaned after use. And it's easy to be hard on people in somewhat the same way, careless and hap-hazard with our emotional output and consideration. It takes attention to be thoughtful, and I believe it requires a fair amount of self-respect as well. How can I possibly treat people and things with kindness and respect if I have none for myself?
I will take good care of myself today, first and foremost, and then I can be caring with all of the individuals I encounter, and all of the things I encounter as well. I will leave every aspect of the environment I occupy today better than when I found it.
I am careful not to be a destructive force in the world. I commit to being thoughtful and considerate. Things and people are better for my encountering them, not worse.