

Thursday, August 18, 2011


     Consistency pays off. If I do something beneficial once in a blue moon, I am unlikely to experience any particular positive result. If I perform the same activity weekly, I might get a sense of limited progress. Twice a week would produce more prodigious results, and three times a week even more so. And if I were to do the same beneficial action every day, or even five times a week, for a year, my life could change profoundly in the direction of health and well-being.
     We tend to be scattered both in our thinking and in our approach to action. We dabble and play around. We try something, feel better, and then promptly stop. Or we look to others to motivate us, and if the other isn't there, we fall off course and lack the self-motivation to continuously propel our own journey.
     But when we are steady and consistent, when we make it habitual to do the things that make us feel good, then we feel good! Imagine that. We can experience positive results in our lives if we are willing to do a little bit of daily work for them. Let's step up. We're worth the effort.

I commit to consistency. I commit to positive daily habits so that I might experience positive daily results. I want to feel good, and I'm willing to make an effort every day in that direction.