

Monday, July 1, 2013


     Some people have flat energy. I don't know how they live with themselves. I have compassion for them and give them the benefit of the doubt, but still I find them draining. There is something sapping about their outlook, a certain negativity. They are victims, and as such, life is a burden for them no matter where they turn their attention. To hear them tell it, they have been dealt a bad blow on every front.
     Let's not give in to our own feelings of darkness and drudgery. Let's be sparkly and playful and light instead; willing to be silly and have fun. Let's recognize that we have the power to change our lives at any time we choose, and that we are not helpless, but responsible. And how we feel is up to us! Let's not burden ourselves or others with flat and draining energy. Let's be energizing instead, and good to be around.

I make a conscious effort to keep my energy upbeat. It's better for me and better for the people around me as well.