"I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions."
~James Michener~
I love words. I love their rhythm and innuendo. I love that certain words like hiss and sizzle sound like what they are. I love the character of words and the way they are spoken and written and sung, and the way they are hung on signs: Bump. Stop. Exit. Merge.
But there is one word that seems to lack any redeeming quality. It's hard for me to find any way to feel good about "stupid." It can't seem to help itself. It drops flatly on the air with judgment and contempt. So I choose not to use it, and choose instead to let my language reflect the goodness that I believe in, and the curiosity, and the redemption, and the faith.
I bring awareness to the words that I use, and choose those that have a positive connotation for me, and that make me feel great.