We live in a culture of spin-doctors. People are constantly telling us that this, that, or the other thing is good for us, will benefit us, will be the best possible thing, when the reality is that our biting on their bait won't actually benefit us at all. It will benefit them.
We are told that things which are clearly unreasonable are reasonable, and that scenarios that are sketchy have no risk involved; that it's free! when it's not, actually. Doctors tell us that we will be fine when they have done what they can for us and want to wash their hands and move on- even if we're hurting; even if we're broken, and they are largely, if not completely, responsible for our broken-ness.
So much false advertising sullies our good instincts and teaches us to questions ourselves. Maybe
we're wrong, we think. Maybe it really isn't as bad and scary and non-sensical as we think. Maybe they're right after all. And then, the predictable disastrous results occur, and we wonder how we ever could have doubted ourselves. And the spin-doctors start their spinning off in a new direction, twisting and turning the situation to their advantage, and we are left holding the bag, so to speak, in every way possible. We are out of luck and 'aint it a shame.
We have a strong internal red-flag warning system for a reason. The cost is high when we ignore its signal. Let's not. Let's honor our guts, and trust that our knowing is solid, and our instinct for danger is likely right-on. Let's not be afraid to say "no," as many times as it takes, and to watch out for the snake-oil salesmen that abound.
I have to be my own advocate. Those who want to sell me something don't usually have my best interest at heart.