

Friday, June 22, 2012


     The thing that has the power to transform self-pity and discontent into something more palatable is gratitude. If we are feeling particularly petulant, we may whine that we have nothing at all to be grateful for. But that, of course, is ridiculous and untrue. If we start with a token item- our health, or the essential fact that we are alive at all... it can build from there. Or perhaps we have to be even more obvious with our stubborn selves. Are we grateful that we are not living in a dumpster, or under some bridge with rats crawling across our legs while we sleep? I'm grateful for that. And to have a car and a job and the ability to experience love.
     And I'm grateful for sunshine and night-time, and deep sleep. I'm grateful that I can see and hear; that I can touch and taste. I am grateful for friendship and laughter, for air conditioners when it's hot, and heat when it's cold. I'm grateful for flowers and thunderstorms and fruit. Gratitude builds on itself. One thing leads to another and another and before we know it, we are feeling better.
     I am grateful for gratitude! And for the knowledge that if I'm feeling pouty I don't have to stay there. I can count my blessings and express my thanks- and in so doing, I am transformed from misery to abundance, and petulance to joy!

I accept and acknowledge my blessings, and let the energy of gratitude wash over me like rain.