

Sunday, May 15, 2011


     "Calm abiding" is a concept that I particularly like, and one that has definite application in all kinds of life situations. When confronted with the energy of a new person, or someone frazzled or scared or strung out, calm abiding can become his or her anchor as well as my own. It's powerful medicine to stand solid and centered, quiet, and present, available to respond but not pushing any agenda, to watch and wait. And it's powerful medicine to be in the company of someone who is so grounded. Personally electric chaos becomes earthed.
     What's interesting is that the quiet and the groundedness provides comfort and invitation. There is no judgment, no manipulation, only reflection and readiness. And in that energy, in that calm, the one who is frazzled becomes calm as well, and sometimes, what has been guarded inside is suddenly revealed, and information from the heart is shared. Deep emotion is allowed. Connection is made. And all because of calm abiding.
     It works in almost any situation requiring patience or courage, or in any territory that is unfamiliar. Some people chit chat nervously, or laugh with discomfort, but in so doing their energy remains scattered. Calm abiding is a raising of attention, an entrance into the absolute presence of the moment and what is happening, conscious breathing, clear vision, and a heightening of every sense perception. It soothes all that is disturbed and opens the path to serenity. It's a journey and a destination, a solution to every problem, and good therapy for a scattered and over-complicated world.

I will stay calm and present and grounded today, especially when confronted with chaotic energy.