

Thursday, May 26, 2011


     An empty room echoes. Movement, voices, and footsteps bounce off the walls and floors. A room that is cluttered and overfull tends to have the opposite effect. It closes in on me and weighs me down with its volume of contents. Neither space is comfortable, and I am drawn to consider the grander implications of being empty and being full. What does each really mean, and what constitutes just right? Finding the proper balance has been, and continues to be, a journey.
     Perhaps, there is not some goal line kind of achievement here. Perhaps life, like our bellies, ideally consists of a constant tidal flow, filling and emptying, emptying and filling, never one absolutely, or the other, but a give and take, a continuous process of adding and subtracting. I can add a new habit or reformed behavior to my routine. I can add a chair to a room. I can stop over-reacting. I can get rid of the rug that is fraying at the edges and trips me every time I walk across it. I can recognize that I am spending too much time alone, or not enough. I can adjust and adapt.
     I can tune in and take readings. I can recognize the sounding depths of the rooms of my spirit and fill them or empty them accordingly, understanding that there is no fixed position, and there is no point of arrival at last. Everything is adjustment and correction. Everything is forever in flux.

What do I need more of in my life today? And what can I let go of? I am willing to make the necesary changes to equalize the balance in me of empty and over-full.