

Friday, May 20, 2011


     When in search of a person or an opportunity or a place to live or hold some event, the process seems very much like a scavenger hunt. The only thing that appears clear at the outset is the first step, the first "clue." In this day and age, more often than not, the first step is an online inquiry. "Google it," for most situations seems the best first instruction. And from there, anything can happen. That's where the fun begins.
     Sometimes the initial google search leads to one link and then another like a trail of crumbs until so many windows are open on our browsers that it's dizzying. And sometimes, the final window crashes everything and we have to start over, or we arrive at a dead end and have to backtrack. We got off-course somewhere.
     But mostly, a search will lead to a web-site that leads to a contact of some kind. We send an email or make a phone call. And then we wait for the next clue. And it comes. A phonecall leads to a meeting, or paperwork, or tells us we have not reached the right place for what we need and gives us the number of someone else who can maybe help, and off we go to the next step, and the next.
     It's an incredible thing to see where we end up from where we started, something we never could have figured or conceived of: a total case of one thing leads to another. And it all comes from moving into the next open space. If we are blocked one way, we turn another. We try something else. The clues guide us. We encounter people, websites, the suggestions of friends, and we keep on.
     And in the end, the lesson is to trust the process, because, convoluted as it may seem at times, it is leading us somewhere, and that's the way everything gets done. It is never as simple as vision first, manifestation second. It is vision, step, step, step, altered vision, step... all the way to manifestation. And the end result is never what we pictured in the beginning, but often even better, and we have learned all along the way. We have learned to tap our resources, to refine our goals, and to remain open to all possibilities. And that's the treasure, and the hunt both. The key is not to stop. The key is to keep on following the clues. The key is trusting that the clues are leading us somewhere. The key is trusting that they are leading us right where we are supposed to go.

I will not give up my search today, for whatever I may be searching for. I will keep on following the clues and trust that they are leading me in the right direction.