

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


     I seem to believe that limits can be established in a once and for all kind of way, but the truth is that setting boundaries,  like all things, requires daily care and occasional revision. I think in absolutes. I arrive impulsively at a catastrophic decision point: something big and definitive has to be done- something major- something dramatic...
     But even when major change is in order, it doesn't happen in one fell swoop. It's a bit at a time and  a slow steady adjustment to the new perspective, the new behavior, and the new way of life. I can't impose my absolutes on others, and I can't successfully impose them on myself. Everything is process and evolution. Even cutting ties that bind requires a period of loss, adjustment, and recovery.

I stop trying to make people and situations all one thing or another. I accept change in behavior and habits as a slow process.