

Friday, August 2, 2013


    My parents and so many of my friends' parents got divorced when we were young. And I later got divorced myself. All of which created a sense in me that healthy, happy, and loving couples didn't really exist. I thought that those who stayed together were mostly settling for the familiar rather than truly living love. We focus so much on the negative side of relationships in our culture that drama and nightmare seem almost to be couched as the "norm."
     But the truth is, I think there's actually a fair amount of real love happening in our world, alongside all the sickness and hatred. And I think there are couples who grow old together as best friends, and who share a tenderness and intimacy unsurpassed in any other human relationship. And it's beautiful and hopeful. So here's to all loving couples. May we learn to honor and recognize their great achievement in our ever-increasing material world.

I honor my loving elders and learn from their wisdom. Whether single or in a relationship, I make an effort to grow in love every day that I live.