I perform the duties of the day with joy and a minimum amount of drama.
Food for the Spirit and the Mind ~:~:~:~ Personal Blog Clarion Award Winner!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Everything is accomplished in its own way and its own time. Even an abandoned project is its own kind of completed event. We wonder how we will ever get everything done that we have to do and we act with a kind of frenzied intensity doing it. We lose our sense of humor and our ability to go with the flow. We become a force field of focus and tunnel vision, and to anyone who comes near, the message is, "I'm on a mission. Don't mess with me." And maybe sometimes in life, this kind of effort is useful, and even necessary, but more often than not, it seems like an over-dramatization. If we're keeping it real, then life doesn't really require that we be so extreme.