I sometimes catch myself thinking I know better what someone needs to do or say or incorporate into his life than he knows himself. I am sure that if he or she would only take my suggestion, then all would be well. But it's a grand fallacy. What works for me, what is just the ticket for my well-being, might be all wrong for another. I can share my experience and let it rest in the air and space between us. If it resonates, then I must trust the other to pick it up and integrate it. It is not my job to push it into her internal space. To do so would be a violation and demonstrate a fundamental lack of respect.
I must allow others to be where they are, especially if I don't want them thrusting their opinions on me. We all have to go through the processes we have to go through in order to arrive at our decision points and our moments of action and surrender. We cannot be
told how to master some art and then expect to be masters. We must follow the learning curve ourselves and evolve our own spirits and footsteps to the heightening mountain of knowledge. We must all discover the truth for ourselves.
I will not push unsolicited opinions on others today, or presume to know what they may need.