

Friday, March 18, 2011


     "Less is more" is an important cultural slogan for me. It's so easy to overdo, overeat, overspend, clutter my house; innundate my mind with too much information. Knowing when to stop is almost a form of art. I get tricked into thinking if a little bit is good, then more must necessarily be better. But it's not the case. I suffer with "too much" far more than I suffer with "not enough." I push myself beyond reasonable limits. My energy feels expansive and endless. I am jacked up. I think I might just be invincible and then I crash and burn in a wilted pile.
     The core belief at the root of not stopping is that I am beyond consequences. I seem to have an unintentional and widespread lack of honesty about cause and effect, especially when I get excited about something. But everything I do and every choice I make has a consequence. If I overeat, I gain weight. If I overwork, I burn out. If I overtrain, I injure myself. If I spend too much money on things I want but don't need I don't have money for things I do need, the bills I have to pay. If I mix too many colors together I make mud. There's no getting around it.

Today I want to aim for "just right" instead of "too much." I am saturated and achy from too much.