

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


     "Expect the worst, but hope for the best." Why? Who said so? I have spent a lifetime preparing myself for the worst that can happen in any given situation. If things work out, no one is more surprised than I am. I have a struggle ethic; a built-in belief system that anything worthwhile must necessarily be arduous, difficult, the closer to impossible the better. I throw my energy into things with a vigor and intensity that is not always necessary. I push, expecting there will be a push back. I expect that I will have to invest everything I have... to convince, to correct, to help, even to love. It's exhausting.
     I want to wear life "like a loose fitting garmet." I want to relax. I am tired of physical tension and mental strain, of trying to "figure things out," of pushing and urging and packing more and more of life and usefulness into each day. I am tired of counting on punishment from someone or somewhere if I make even one mis-step, if I do less than my absolute best, if the bar drops just a bit for just a moment.
     Today, I am going to expect the best. Instead of cowering internally before all the possibilities of the future, I am going to giggle inside and look forward with excited anticipation to whatever wonderful surprises may be in store for me. I am going to let go the manacles of perfection. I am going to receive my daily blessings with grace and pleasure instead of worrying over what I will have to do to earn my right to them.
God has got my back. Everything works out in the end.