

Thursday, March 17, 2011


     I envision the living spirit within me like the Olympic torch, ever lit, ever burning. As a child, the brightness of it was evident, but life happened to me and hurtful words mounted up. Blocks and protections developed and grew like vines suffocating my light.
     By the time I was seventeen my inner flame was diminished by a choking jungle of defense mechanisms, and by the time I was thirty, a mere ember flickered within me. I reached a point of darkness that threatened to swallow me whole, and in the darkness I became willing to change certain things that weren't working in my life.
     The changes have been all about clearing the jungle. I have had to uncover and root out vines of fear and faulty beliefs, mistaken expectations, self-loathing, small and large abuses, unhealthy eating habits, explosive reactivity, a tendency towards being over-apologetic, and an overall lack of faith. In the process of uncovering and discarding all that blocks me, I give my inner torch the air and room to blaze brightly yet again.

What's blocking me? Can I let go of something in my life to give air and space to my inner fire?