I can make my whole life an adventure instead of a chore, an opportunity instead of a sentence, a curiosity instead of a judgment, and a blessing instead of a curse. It's possible. It's available, and there's only one requirement. I have to get out of the driver's seat. I have to let go of my grasping desire for the way I think things should go, stop trying to force everything and everybody in my chosen direction, and just let it all be as it is: people and the weather and traffic and my physical state, all of it. If I am willing to allow whatever happens to happen without fighting or whining, I can feel relaxed. If I let whatever runs the big life show to run it, and just watch and participate however it gives me joy, and be curious about what I don't understand but trust in the greater good, and stop grabbing for things and start saying thank you for whatever comes instead, I can be happy. I can be at peace. I can be right where I am supposed to be, and enjoy myself being there.
I welcome the day! I do not fight and struggle and push my agenda. I let it all be what it is, and take pleasure in the experience of the hours passing.