

Friday, August 3, 2012


     When we stop grabbing at life, everything that we have been grabbing for seems to come to us. We cannot receive by force, but only by grace. It is not for us to make up our minds about things and then expect them to play out exactly as we plan. When I sought to make a fortune, I went bankrupt. When I decided to wait a year to have children, I found myself pregnant with twins. When I was absolutely at peace with being by myself, and didn't "need" a relationship, I met my husband.
     We have to come to the place where we know we are enough- that we are ok, no matter what. We have to accept that we don't require anything in particular to be happy and feel fulfilled; not a certain amount of money, or some particular position at work; not the perfect relationship or the perfect family or the perfect past; not an ideal weight, or some specific amount of intelligence or artistic sensibility. We won't ever be happy if only this, or if only that or the other thing happens in our lives.
     If we are happy simply to be, then we will attract happiness and happy situations to us, without effort, without struggle, and without grab.

I surrender my agenda and open to the fountain of happiness within me. I have everything I need.