

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


"It wasn't until late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say, 'I don't know.'"
~W. Somerset Maughm~
I have been doing a lot of thinking I know things lately- thinking that I have an inside line to the future, and a gut sense like a crystal ball. And it's stressful to be preparing for challenges "in advance" like this, and entirely un-necessary.
     It's so hard for me to simply state things in my mind as they are. I want to embellish them, to give them innuendo and intrigue and drama and pizazz. I am ego on fire and a three-alarm blaze. And if I don't check myself, I know that life will come along in its way and do the job for me. Life will raise its ladders and put me out.

I catch myself being overly-dramatic and stop. Things are no more and no less than exactly what they are.