

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


"All say, 'How hard it is that we have to die'- a strange complaint to come from the mouths of people who have had to live."
~ Mark Twain ~

We are so afraid of death- our own as well as those we love- and yet, death is as natural as birth, and as natural as life itself. I'm not sure why we resist it the way we do; perhaps, because it's impossible to know the absolute outcome and ramification of it, and we are fixated on knowing, and understanding, and certainty. But it may be this exact attitude that causes so much stress in our lives. We impose certainty and the illusion of control over the wide world in which we live and our miniscule place in it.
     Perhaps, if we could learn instead to accept and even embrace this living journey exactly as it comes- unknown and impermanent- instead of demanding it be some other way for our sense of comfort, we would actually be more comfortable, and feel better in our skins.
I accept that death is a natural part of any and every living cycle, and I find a way to become ok with it.