

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     Today, I am considering the satisfaction of a job well done. I think it comes easily to begin a project with the best of intentions. It comes easily to begin with pure energy and a willingness to put forth the best possible effort. But then, part way through, enthusiasm for the job sometimes wanes. It is more complicated than I originally thought, or taking longer than anticipated. A desire to walk away grows inside me. I feel frustrated and become inclined to hurry through to the finish. And yet, to carry steady focus and integrity all the way through a job is unquestionably the way to go, because that's what makes me feel good when all is said and done.
     In massage, there's something called a "finishing sweep." After working a body part in sections- bicep, tricep, forearm, regions of the hand- the therapist then travels the entire length of the arm up to the neck and then "sweeps" all the way down to the fingers and lets go. This creates a sense of completion and "finish." It is similar to taking a deep breath and stretching after an aerobics class, or wiping the counter after washing the dishes, or smoothing the bed after the covers have been pulled up.
     Every job deserves its finishing touch, and each day is filled with all kinds of jobs, some big and some small. Bringing my best effort to each one, honoring the beginning of each, and the ending, leaves me with a sense of completeness and gratitude. It's a feeling that cannot come from anything done hap-hazardly, or part way, or from anything I leave hanging or even a little bit sloppy.

I choose to finish my effort today and take satisfaction from each completed job.