

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


     It's so easy to pass judgment on the behavior of others. Without any great effort, we strip them of common sense, thoughtfulness, integrity, purity, and intelligence. We easily feel superior, and confident that they are clueless and devoid of higher sensibilities. We believe they need our instruction and guidance, or worse yet, our pity and concern, that they cannot decide for themselves. It's all about us when we sit in judgment. The way we judge others reflects the way we are. Everyone has access to the same basic life information, and we all make our choices.
     Before I judge the behavior of others, I have to be honest about all the questionable things that I have done. I've been irresponsible with money. I've made bad choices in relationships. I've said unkind words in angry tones. I've sent letters that might have been better unsent. I've hit things with my car, embarrassed myself, run away from problems, and held resentments. I've been drunk and stupid. I've been sober and stupid. I've been flat out wrong many times.
     But none of those things make me wrong, or stupid, or bad. they make me human. And if I am forgivable, which I believe I am, then surely I can be forgiving of others. Whatever they may have done, if I am truly honest, I most likely have done myself, in some form or other, somewhere along the line. It is not for me to point a finger. It is only for me to spread the energy of forgiveness and to live and let live.

Before I jump to judgment of another today, I will ask myself honestly if I have ever done the exact thing I am about to condemn, and if so, I will stop, and let the judgment pass.