

Monday, February 27, 2012


     Life is not about my agenda or what makes sense to me. It's not my plan that turns the wheels or drives the ship. It's not what I think, or what I want, or even what I know. Life is mysterious. It is a journey of all the things that cannot be anticipated. It is twists and turns and convoluted passages. It is puzzling. It is paradoxical. It is eternal and momentary and none of the above and all of the above.
     If I try to figure it out, I will be frustrated. Just when I think I've got it- ah-ha! a new element is introduced that requires further reconciliation. Not understanding historically induces fear in me, which makes me figure all the more diligently. I grab for control, but control over most things is not mine to grab.
     If I'm honest, and feeling peaceful inside, and trusting, what I intuitively know is that it's not my job or responsibility to figure it out. The purpose and the point of my life is simply to experience the ride- to exalt in the joys and suffer in the hardships- to feel the feelings and to share it all with the people that I love. That's the whole deal and the real deal; to not make sense of life, or manipulate it, or master it, but simply to live it, however it may come.

I can experience the journey of my life, and I don't have to stress and strain and grow old trying to figure it out.