

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


     If we want to be successful in changing our bad habits, we have to do more than push up against them with disciplined resistance. We have to learn to make the choice for the change we want rather than against the old behavior. It's a matter of changing our approach and perspective. We have to steer ourselves in a positive direction. Otherwise, we set ourselves up for self-sabotage and ultimate failure.
     It's not about what we can't do anymore and poor, poor us. It's about what we can do if we make the change- about what's possible and not what's expedient. Lasting change takes time to integrate. It's little bits at a time; small, steady efforts in a positive direction over and over and over. It's re-training the brain and the body, and making adjustments to our system of beliefs.
     We are all following trails of crumbs to some destination or another. We can follow them to fulfillment and happiness or we can follow them to spiritual imprisonment and desperation. Let's be honest about what direction we're moving in and carefully consider our next step, and the one after that. Where are we headed, and what do we choose?

Instead of running away from the things I don't want, and resisting them with fear and rigidity, I change my perspective and learn how to move steadily in a positive direction.