

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


     We always think we are so wise "at the time," but looking back on happenings in our life makes us realize how naive we really were, and how often, in spite of all of our assurance and wisdom, we were actually nothing more than shark-bait. I'm sure that I'm still as naive as ever on certain topics, but hopefully, I've gotten a little wiser through the years regarding some things. If nothing else, I have learned the benefit of being "on guard" when faced with unknown people and situations. I used to trust everyone and everything, puppy-like. I was easily crushed and frequently hurt.
     But I have learned to stand back some in life. Instead of dashing forward with reckless enthusiasm, I have learned to watch for red flags, and to feel for them in my gut. I know now to pay close attention to the unseen and unspoken. We live in a world of heartache and danger, as well as love, and just because I have good intentions does not mean that everyone else does. I have learned to be quiet and observant in unfamiliar territory, and it has saved me from sure disaster more than once. I have learned how to wait and see.

I do not dash forward impulsively. I proceed into the unknown thoughtfully, and with caution.