

Friday, March 15, 2013


     Even when I know something doesn't particularly suit me, or serve me well, I will keep on trying and trying to make it work long after I have proven to myself that it doesn't. It's the same when I look over and over in the same place for something I have lost. It's not there, but I keep on coming back to be sure.
     It's like banging into a wall. I know the wall is there and I know it hurts to bang into it, but for whatever reason, I just can't quite accept that it's absolutely there forever and always... because I'd rather it not be. Perhaps I think I can will it away if I just keep trying...
     It seems like I could save myself a lot of trouble by accepting things as being the way they are on the first go round.

I stop trying to make things other than they are by insisting that they be that way.