

Friday, July 6, 2012


     It's true that in life "it's always something." The minute we feel that we are in the clear at last- free from pain, free from debt, secure in love, whatever it may be- here comes the next challenge and the new discomfort. There is no quick fix, no absolute security, and no point of arrival. There is always the next step and the next thing. Our back feels better and then our elbow starts acting up. The elbow heals and we step on a rusty nail. We are poisoned by food; the car breaks down unexpectedly, or someone dies and we find ourselves utterly unprepared emotionally.
     We have to learn how to get comfortable being off-balance. Like a tight-rope walker, we have to learn to constantly shift our weight and energy and attention to keep from toppling over. Life is a tight-rope. We have to learn to accommodate ourselves to the height and instability.

I can be comfortable and feel secure even when things in my life are discombobulated and I am surrounded on all sides by loose ends. Life is a dynamic adventure of adaptability.