

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


     Misconstrue is a good word, and applicable to more of our life experience than we can possibly realize. We misconstrue our responsibilities, and our power to control things. We misconstrue people and outcomes and motives and meanings. We manufacture a personal reality based on our thoughts and our skewed understanding of how people feel, and what we think they want and need. We get all tangled up in strings. In any situation that involves people, we can be sure that there is some kind of misconstruing going on. Something is being misconstrued by someone.
     If we aren't sure and don't know absolutely the how and why and where and when of a life happening, let's call it for what it is, and admit that we don't know. And if we are meant to, we will, and if we are not, we won't. Some things become clear as they unfold, or else we understand them in hindsight, and some things aren't ever going to make logical sense to us. They simply are what they are, and that's the most we will ever get.

Knowing how easily I misconstrue situations, and people, I am willing to make room in my thinking for the fact that I may not understand the real reality.