

Monday, June 3, 2013


     My mother-in-law died last Thursday. She was sick and suffering in varying degrees for a number of years, but severely so for the last six weeks- needing bedside care and daughter's advocacy at hospital facilities.
     Towards the end, we knew that she would die, and still the news landed, when it came, like a fall hard to the ground. It felt sudden and shocking and final- the vitality of her no more- her special Millie Herrman way of seeing things. She was the only one on earth who said things exactly the way she said things, and who had her boldness and sense of humor, which we couldn't help but appreciate... right to the end.
     When I pause long enough to consider it, there is a gaping hole where she belongs- my husband's mother, her husband's wife- a sister- a friend. In her honor, let's remember to enjoy the people around us today and particularly the ones we love. We are all here so temporarily really, and our lives are but a flash.

I grieve the loss of those whose company was once familiar and appreciate the people who populate my life today.