I create the space for conversation and let it come however it does. I am willing to let go of my demand for answers.
Food for the Spirit and the Mind ~:~:~:~ Personal Blog Clarion Award Winner!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
I used to think that what it meant to be a good conversationalist was to be like an interviewer asking question after question, but what I have learned from being on the receiving end of such questions is that they feel a bit like gun-fire. I have learned that if I pummel someone with interrogation hoping that they will share themselves with me, I am more likely to meet with resistance and one-word answers than meaningful sentiments. But if, on the other hand, I am simply present as a kind of witness and allow for conversation to flow forth however it comes, it is more likely to serve a higher purpose and to come from the heart. It's better from all sides when I stop insisting and let people be.