

Monday, June 24, 2013


   Sometimes we just have to wait- in checkout lines, for our vehicles to be serviced, for a better day, the right partner, something to change, and our futures to arrive. Waiting is part of life, and as a  culture, I don't think we do it particularly well. We are impatient. We want what we want when we want it. We are interested in the quick fix and the instant gratification. But the problem with these things is that they don't usually have any staying power. They lack the quality and the care that comes from patience.
     Let's be willing to wait for what matters, and even for the things that don't. It's an opportunity to pause and look around. Let's nod skyward and acknowledge that we have been stopped in our tracks, and that ultimately, it might be for our highest good. Let's be flexible and good-natured, and learn something from the change of pace. Our lives are so busy generally. Maybe we all need occasional roadblocks in order to slow down.

When I am made to wait, I am willing to wait with grace.