

Thursday, April 12, 2018


"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." 
~ Michelangelo ~

We are responsible for our course through life. Much as we might feel flung about by circumstances and financial necessities, the truth is that we are the ones who set the sails, we are the ones who handle the tiller, and we are the ones who commit to the direction. We spend much of our time allowing others to dictate to us, to tell us what we should be doing and how we should be doing it, but we are creative souls and we are meant to use our creativity to establish our path.
     There may be less responsibility in allowing other people and circumstances to decide for us, but there's less satisfaction as well. Without engaging our personal style of creativity in life, we suffer the fallout of being disengaged. We lack vitality and spirit. We lack heart.
     Let's not. Let's step up to our life and create it the way we want it to be. We have the power to do that, no matter how often or how vigorously we may tell ourselves that we don't.

I allow my life to be the full authentic expression of exactly who I am.