It's unrealistic to think I can find a way to be always happy. It's the natural ebbing and flowing way of life that I should shift back and forth from clarity to blindness, from love to fear. And yet, I seem unable to take them both in equal stride. I welcome the bright side and resist the dark with all I have.
But, if I'm honest, some of my greatest spiritual evolution has come to me by way of the muck and the murk. There is great value in the muddy puddles and swampy bogs of life. I suppose it's unlikely to believe that I could ever actually embrace the difficult passages of life, but maybe I can learn to stop fighting them. And instead of being irritated with feeling less than perfect, perhaps I can learn to say, "Ah- here I am again. I know this place, and know it will pass, and until it does, I will let it be here and trust the lessons that it has to teach me."
I have compassion for myself and my shifting moods and energies. I can fully enjoy feeling good and be open to the experience of feeling less than good. I trust the process, and trust in the timing of God.