We are sure that we should feel big feelings; that our world and our future and our happiness are all dependent upon this one small task, or big task, or whatever it is. We magnify the meaning, when often, there is no meaning at all, only a process, and a next step. It's all happening in the course of life. How often have we put something off only to do it at last and be amazed with the ease of simply doing it? The mental angst and strain we put on ourselves and carry with us in the shadow of things undone is ridiculous and un-necessary.
I bring awareness to my magnifying mind and tell it to hush when it whines and complains and wants to make a big deal of something. I suspend judgement and take a look at what's really there. And more times than not, just being willing to be real is enough to de-mystify the process. It's only one small bit at a time. In the end, that's how it all gets done.
My mind can make a big deal of anything, even if it's no big deal. I bring awareness to my impulse to exaggerate what's required of me and to overwhelm myself with fear. I get real instead, and just do whatever it is that has to get done.