

Monday, January 16, 2012


     I dislike sarcasm. It cuts and bites and belittles. The original etymology of the word means "to tear flesh" and that's what sarcasm does. It is ripping and shredding guised as good times. My sense is that sarcastic people are angry people. They seem to take a certain pleasure in making others squirm. And teasing can have a bite to it as well, especially if it is backed with unspoken criticism and hidden judgment. Being at the receiving end of teasing, we must sometimes ask for mercy. What is meant to be funny feels more like torture.
     Humor that comes from an open heart- that pokes fun at itself and others in a gentle and playful way, lovingly, and with kindness, is far more palatable than sarcasm or merciless teasing. We are each of us far more delicate emotionally than we realize, and we are easily bruised.
     Let's bring higher awareness to the way we interact with others, and the bend and curve of our humor. Are we coming from love and appreciation, or judgment? Are we gentle, or cruel? Is our laughter full of joy and relaxation, or does it bite? It make s a difference. It makes a difference in the quality of our lives and in the world.

I keep my humor light and gentle. I avoid teasing, and sarcasm, and laughter that stings.