

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do."
~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker ~
It's possible to become so afraid of making a mistake that we are unable to act.. But act we must, because it is the very momentum created by our motion that leads us on and leads us forth and takes us to the next level.
     And perhaps it could even be argued that there is no such thing as a mistake- that everything serves to evolve us even if it's challenging or painful or otherwise costly. We learn and grow and as long as we're growing it seems to me we must be on track.
     We cheat ourselves only if we don't take the step forward, if we cling to the status quo and what feels safe. But the truth is that life itself will force our movement and decision-making and our action even if we resist it with all that we have. Because it is the nature of things to change. Even the status quo cannot remain the status quo forever. It shifts and passes and is born anew, as we all are, day after day after day.

I am willing to explore the options and opportunities in my life and take action to move forward.