

Friday, July 4, 2014


"We sleep peacefully at night, cradled by the big strong hands of America."
~Val Saintsbury~
We expect to have the freedom to live as we please and to do as we choose, and consequently, we take it for granted that it should be any other way. We find plenty to whine about and have sour grapes galore. We complain about our politicians and the "system" and whatever bothers us about current events. But the simple fact remains that all around our globe, others are not so lucky, and being American is an incredible privilege, a great blessing, and an unending opportunity.
     Let's be patriots today, and express our gratitude- that we have the rights that we have and the advantages that we enjoy. Let's take up the flag and take up the cause and feel proud and honored to be who we are and to live where we do.
I am grateful for my freedom.